Termite control

Pre-Construction Pest Control

We offer pre-construction termite treatment services to prevent pest problems in newly constructed buildings. Our professionals use specialized techniques, such as soil treatment and physical barriers, to prevent pest entry.We offer post-construction termite treatment services to eliminate pest problems in existing buildings.


Anti-Termite Treatment

  • This treatment is made during all the phases of construction of a building / Villas up to when the concrete slab is poured. This method is to provide termite proofing by establishing an unbroken chemical barrier vertically & horizontally between the wood in the Structure & the termite colonies in the soil.

Types of Termites

There are several different types of termites in the world. There are different sizes, shapes, and species out there and they all do things slightly different from the other. All of them love to eat wood, and they can all do damage to your home, but there are different ways to spot them, different places to look for them and different ways to treat them.

Termites that your home and property might have

They Like to live Underground , sub terranean Termites travel place to place , they prefer to eat Wood.Mostly fine them hardwood floors ,furniture, beams of your home.They like to live in very moist wood , mostly fine old tree stump or a fallen tree somewhere on your property.They creating enormous colonies of thousands upon thousands of termites.

Control Process

Pest Control Process

Be it termites, cockroaches, rodents or something even Google can't identify, we have your residential or commercial premises covered.


Pest Inspection

We will conduct a deep and thorough inspection to determine the type of pests that are infesting your premises.


Pest Treatment

We provide a wide range of chemical and non-chemical products that can effectively reduce any pest’s infestation.


Pest Monitoring

Our professional team of service field professionals will follow up to evaluate the efficacy of pest treatments.